Template download
  The process
  The colors
  2 color examples
  2 color picture discs
  4 color picture discs
  Center hub area
  Spec diagrams
Complete film specs
  Silkscreen compensation spec

Line thicknesses

A- One color print

Positive print: Letters should be at least 4 points, lines should be at least 0.3 points
Negative or reversed print: Letters should be at least 5 points and lines should be at least 0.5 points.


B- Two colors or more printing in register

Positive print: Letters should be at least 4 points and lines should be at least 0.3 points
Negative or reversed print: Letters should be at least 7 points and lines should be at least 1.5 points. Avoid script style fonts.

If serif or delicate fonts are used, increase the font size or add an outline to compensate for the thin lines. (Note: Laser printers and ink jets usually print these fonts much thicker than they appear on high-resolution film). These two fonts below are the same point size:



The serif font will be more likely to have printing problems at small sizes.

Country of Origin Marking

Include "Made in Canada" if needed.


We used to get lots of people sending their own films so the specs below are for experienced graphic artists and film suppliers. You should most likely skip this.

Film Specification for Silkscreen using PMS (Pantone) colors

  • Films: positive, right reading, emulsion up
  • Place small register mark not exceeding 14 mm exactly in the middle of the art, and place other marks symmetrically outside the art. One mark should be rotated 45 degrees to ensure films are not accidentally rotated 90 degrees. See picture
  • It is recommended to use only line art and text
  • Trapping for replicated CDs: 0.33 point
  • Screen ruling: 100 lines per inch, elliptical dots
  • Keep densities between 15 and 85%. Below 15% will produce too much loss and above 85% will produce a solid color.
  • For 2 or 3 color prints, using the following angulation: 45 degrees and 75 degrees. You can use other angles, but to avoid moiré while printing a difference of 30 degrees or 60 degrees is recommended.
  • For 4 color print, use the following angulation:
    • Yellow: 60 degrees
    • Magenta: 75
    • Cyan: 15
    • Black: 45
    • A color proof without compensation must be supplied with the films. Please indicate "OK Compensation" on your label films and "NO Compensation" on your color proof.
  • It is essential to use silkscreen compensation when printing pictures.