Diamondstein – American Electric: Remixes from Reflecting on a Dying Man


American Electric is an extension of Diamondstein’s October 2019 album, “Reflecting on a Dying Man” – Retold through the work of How to Dress Well, The Album Leaf, Jas Shaw, Maral, and Diamondstein.

The original album’s themes of disease, death, loss, and addiction are revisited and revitalized in this collection, with each producer providing their own unique interpretation of Majoy’s dynamic electronics. The Album Leaf’s remix of “Chemical Valley” puts the song’s lyrics in the spotlight, Maral crushes “Rumors of Crime” into a series of brutal takedowns, and How to Dress Well offers a shredding translation of “The Mountaineer” that is equally gorgeous and disquieting. Jas Shaw’s bold “13th Floor Mix” creates a constant stream of momentum that maintains its energy effortlessly, just before the new Diamondstein track, “Empty in a Time of Need.” The release succeeds in capturing the spirit of Reflecting on a Dying Man while presenting an entirely new experience.

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