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Cassette Insert Specifications
For printing, always include a bleed and safety-margin of 1/8". Bleed means that your art should extend 0.125" beyond the edges of the card to avoid showing white space if the cut is off a bit. Safety margin is the area inside the cut lines: no critical text or art should be positioned closer than 0.125" from the cut or fold lines.
We have blank 6-up J-cards which are good for printing on laser or inkjet printers. In this case there is no space for bleed.
![2 panel folder jpg](/printspecs/jcrdtemp.gif)
Additional panel measurements are as follows:
2 7/16"
2 3/8"
2 5/16"
2 1/4"
U-Card Template
The U-Card design allows more design area to be visible while the cassette is
still sealed in its box. However they are harder to design because of the holes.
Make sure you leave a lot of safety margin around the holes so you don't cut off
any words, and note that the back panel is 1/8 inch shorter than the front.
O-Card Template
The O-Card is printed on heavy card stock and glued into the shape of an O that
the cassette slides into, so you don't need a plastic box. O-Cards are often used
for cassette singles and give-away promotional items. One problem with using O-Cards
is that the cassette hubs are free to rotate, so the tape may be loose the first
time it is played. If the user does not take up the slack tape the tape may jam
or get eaten by the player machine.
(c) 1996 Analogue Media Technologies Inc.