Audio cassette labels - 12 up - Wide labels

Category: Blank Labels
Views: 1337
Our Price


Wholesale Price Price
1-99 Item USD$0.37
100+ Items USD$0.22
Weight 0.03 lbs


Audio cassette labels designed for cassettes with wide face area, with space between each label for full-bleed printing. Works with laser, inkjet, and photocopiers. The price is per sheet of 12 labels.

When you print make sure you turn off any page resizing in the print driver.

5 Stars 
 4 reviews

4 Most Useful Customer Reviews

Oscar Flores-Ledesma Oscar Verified Purchase

Really solid, good quality stickers that work well with laser printers. Template also worked perfectly with the stickers.
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Jeffrey Grindley Jeffrey Verified Purchase

Exactly what i needed. Good stick and easy to follow templates. After painstakingly x-acto cutting labels then gluing them on over 100 was time to spend some cash on sticker labels. They will be in my order every time now :) Thanks !!
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Max Ashton Max Verified Purchase

Good product. Don't assume that the printer will print the image exactly within the label's borders like I did. make sure you use the bleed area and give yourself lots of room for the printer to print higher/lower than youre expecting
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Patrick Shillingsburg Patrick Verified Purchase

Great quality stickers that do the job. I've been purchasing these labels for a number of projects and I've never had issues. I'd also recommend using their printing services. The staff work with you to make sure your designs fit the labels properly.
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