Cassette Norelco Case O-Card Blank White Flats on Glossy Board 50-pack

Category: Blank O-Cards
Manufacturer: Analogue Media
Views: 793
Manufacturer Analogue Media
Our Price


Wholesale Price Price
1+ Item USD$9.13
Weight 0.90 lbs


Glossy White O-Card flats for audio cassette Norelco-style cases. This shop item includes 50 O-Cards. Make your own audio cassette Norelco case O-Cards! Made with FSC-Certified 15 point board. You can also fold the cards backwards to have the uncoated side facing out. Compatible with our round corner boxes, not the square corner boxes.

These may need production time depending on the current stock level. 

5 Stars 
 1 review

1 Most Useful Customer Reviews

Meathead Records Meathead Verified Purchase

This sleeve is for the tape CASE, not just the cassette itself. I use dollar store glue-stick to keep these together and it works good. You can print a sticker, score it along the seams and place it on top before folding and gluing the seams. You could also use stamp and ink, or paint or doodle on them or whatever, but these sleeves adds an extra layer of 'pizzazz' to your cassette unboxing / presentation.
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