Earn Free Cassettes and More With Bonus Points!

Bonus points can be earned in the online store through purchase of blank cassettesEach individual cassette purchase equals one bonus point, which is the equivalent of $.05 CAD. You can then easily convert your bonus points into a gift certificate to be used towards your next order!

Controller cassette manufactured by Duplication.com

These bonus points add up quick. Just an order of a hundred blanks will get you $5 CAD off your next order. You can spend it right away, or you can save up ‘til the end of the year. Maybe celebrate the upcoming new year with the equivalent of a free batch of cassettes? You can use your gift certificate towards any item in the shop, or even request to use them for cassette duplication or CD pressing!

Not sure how to use them? Don’t fret, it just takes three simple steps.

Get bonus points when you order cassettes

Step 1: Sign in to your online store account, and click on Bonuses in the dropdown menu

Get bonus points when you order cassettes

Step 2: Admire your bonus points and click on Convert to a gift certificate.

Convert bonus points into gift certificates

Step 3: send the gift certificate to a friend, or to yourself. They’re your bonus points, after all!

You can then use your gift certificate in the online store or for duplicated cassettes and pressed CDs!