In general, the file type required for paper and board printing is a print-ready file saved in the safest format: PDF/X-1A. This format is just about guaranteed to print as expected, with fonts converted to outlines and transparencies flattened.
2 files are required for each printed item: 1 with guidelines showing, and 1 without.
Paper items to be printed on 2 sides should have both sides in the PDF file with Page 1 as the front, and Page 2 for the back.
Booklets must be supplied in Printer’s Spreads.
All paper and board items require a bleed of up to 0.125” or 3mm.
You should respect a type safety margin of 0.125” or 3mm.
Image resolution for paper and board printing should be 300 pixels per inch.
Files for printing or laser engraving on audio cassettes or plastic cases must be supplied with separate files for each side. See detailed instructions for these formats.
We can accept your working files and make them print-ready. There may be an additional fee for this.