4.7GB DVD+R with VideoGard scratch protection (10 pieces). These are fantastic quality discs! The best Verbatim Made in Singapore blank media, with an ultra hardcoat protective VideoGard™ surface. PRODUCT FEATURES: Compatible with 1X-8X DVD+R recording hardware; VideoGard™ protective disc coating provides over 40 times more scratch resistance than standard DVD; Protects video & data stored on disc from everyday fingerprints, smudges and scratches; Ideal for recording up to 2 hours of standard resolution DVD quality home movies and video clips; Can hold up to 6 or 8 hours in extended-record modes. "Metal Azo" recording dye provides long archival life. 8X recording speed offers the best quality, the longest archival life, and the lowest cost! Media code: MCC 003 Item 95104, aka VideoGuard The price is for 10 DVDs. Click to download Verbatim specification sheet