Purple CD Slimline 5.2mm, Pro Grade, 10 Pack

Views: 650
Our Price


Wholesale Price Price
1-19 Item USD$3.65
20+ Items USD$1.83
Weight 1.10 lbs


5.2mm Super Slimline or Ultra Slimline CD case with a purple base, pro quality, made in North America. Strong case that doesn't break when you open it.

By adding 1 item to the cart you're buying 10 CD cases. To buy 200 CD cases at the wholesale price add 20 items to your cart. 


2 Stars 
 1 review

1 Most Useful Customer Reviews

William Van Veen William Verified Purchase

The product was fine, except that instead of three 10-packs that I ordered, 30 separate slimlines came. That would have been OK, but three arrived with broken hinges, totally unusable.
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