C-6 Pink Transparent Audio Cassettes With Supreme TDK SA Cobalt High Bias Audio Tape
C-06 (3:15 per side) pink transparent 5-screw cassette shell, clear liners, red leader, tabs out, loaded with high bias TDK SA Cobalt (chrome position) music grade audio tape. Needs a chrome tape selector on your tape recorder.
C-60 BASF Transparent W/ White Hubs (Tabs-IN) with super-ferro Tape
C-60(around 30:00 per side) Clear cassette shell , frost leader, tabs in, loaded with super-ferro tape WITH J CARD and CASSETTE SHELL. |
C-60 Blue Tint Chrome Cassettes
C-60(30:00 per side) Blue Tint Chrome Cassettes , transparent leader tape, loaded with Hi-Fi music grade audio tape.
C-60 Clear W/ Grey Liners (Tabs In) loaded with BASF fe tape
C-60 ( approximately 30:00 per side ) Clear cassette shell, frost leader tape, tabs in, loaded withBASF Fe60 tape. |
C-60 Clear W/ Grey Liners (Tabs In) loaded with BASF fe tape
C-60 ( approximately 30:00 per side ) Clear cassette shell, frost leader tape, tabs in, loaded with BASF fe60 tape. |
C-60 Clear W/ Grey Liners (Tabs In) loaded with hifi tape
C-60 ( approximately 30:00 per side ) Clear cassette shell, frost leader tape, tabs in, loaded with hi-fi tape. |
C-60 Clear W/ Grey Liners (Tabs-IN) loaded with pure chrome with low noise floor and low sensitivity
C-60(30:00 per side)Clear with Grey Liners , taranslucent blue leader , tabs in, loaded with pure chrome low noise floor and sensitivity. |
C-60 Fluorescent Pink (Tabs Out) loaded with Chrome Tape.
C-60 (30:00 per side) Fluorescent Pink , red leader, tabs out, loaded with chrome tape.
C-60 Glossy White (Tabs-out) loaded with chrome Tape
C-60(30:00 per side ) Glossy White cassette shell , pink leader tape , tabs out, loaded with chrome tape. |
C-60 Pink Tabs transparent chrome high bias cassettes
C-60 (30:00 per side) Pink, transparent red leader tape, loaded with chrome audio tape. This is a Type 1 shell so you need a bias select button on your tape recorder, or you can break out the chrome notch.
C-60 White Audio Cassettes with Hi-Fi Music-Grade Audio Tape
C-60 (30:00 per side), white 5-screw cassette shell, graphite liners, yellow leader, tabs out, loaded with hi-fi ferro music grade audio tape
C-61 White Matte (Tabs-out) loaded with hi-fi tape
C-61(30:30 per side)White Matte shell with no window, clear leader, tabs out, loaded with hi-fi audio tape. |
C-63 Gold Audio Cassettes with Super Ferro Music-Grade Audio Tape
C-63 (31:45 per side) in a gold sonic cassette shell, clear liners, red leader, tabs out, loaded with vintage (pre-2018) super ferro music grade audio tape.
C-63 Retro Clear Cassettes, Graphite Liners, Type 1 Super Ferro Tape
C-62 (31:59 per side) classic clear cassette with graphite iners, blue leader, vintage Type 1 ferro tape.
C-63 Silver Glitter Audio Cassettes
C-63 (31:50 per side) in a silver glitter, tabs out cassette shell, clear leader, loaded with Hi-Fi music grade audio tape.
C-63 Smoke Tint Sonic loaded with fox tape
C-55( approximately 27:30 per side ) Smoke Tint cassette shell , clear leader , tabs out , loaded with fox tape. |
C-63 White Matte loaded with fox tape
C-63 ( approximately 31:30 per side ) Matte White cassette shell , clear leader , tabs out , loaded with fox tape. |
C-64 Classic 90s Retro Cassettes with Super Ferro Type 1 Audio Tape
C-64 (32:00 per side) classic retro 90s-style clear cassette shell, graphite liners for smooth running, blue leader tape, tabs OUT Type 1 shell, 5 black screws, loaded with vintage (pre-2018) TOP QUALITY Super Ferro audio tape.
C-65 Light Gray Audio Cassettes, Tabs In, With Vintage-Style Case
C-65 (32.5 minutes per side) in a vintage light gray 5-screw cassette shell, red leader, tabs in, loaded with Hi-Fi music grade audio tape, with a vintage-style clear/clear Norelco case (CB-027).
C-65 TONR Off White (Tabs-IN) loaded with super-ferro tape
C-65(32:30 per side)TONR Off White shell , frost leader, tabs IN, loaded with super-ferro tape. |
C-66 Gold Sonic Audio Cassettes with Hi-Fi Music Grade Tape
C-66 (33:22 minutes per side) in a gold tabs out sonic shell with clear leader, tabs out, loaded with super ferro music grade audio tape
C-66 Red Glitter Audio Cassettes with RTM FOX Audio Tape
C-66 (33 minutes per side) in a sparkly red glitter sonic cassette shell, clear liners, clear leader, loaded with RTM FOX RecordingTheMasters Hi-Fi music grade audio tape.
C-66 Transparent W/ Black Hubs (Tabs-IN) with Chrome Tape comes with cassette shell and J-card
C-66(around 33:00 per side) Clear cassette shell , clear leader, tabs in, loaded with chrome tape. It comes with a cassette shell and J-card. |
C-67 Blue Audio Cassettes with Hi-Fi Music-Grade Audio Tape
C-67 (33:40 per side) blue sonic cassette shell, clear liners, clear leader, tabs out, loaded with hi-fi music grade audio tape.